1 数据说明
2 因子分析
> library(haven)
> examData=read_sav("D:/Desktop/考试成绩.sav")
> examDataScale=scale(examData[,-1])
> fit_fact=factanal(examDataScale, 2, rotation="varimax",scores="regression")
> fit_fact
factanal(x = examDataScale, factors = 2, rotation = "varimax")
数学 物理 化学 语文 历史 英语
0.245 0.451 0.479 0.136 0.215 0.181
Factor1 Factor2
数学 -0.355 0.793
物理 -0.201 0.713
化学 -0.216 0.689
语文 0.850 -0.376
历史 0.854 -0.235
英语 0.872 -0.242
Factor1 Factor2
SS loadings 2.425 1.868
Proportion Var 0.404 0.311
Cumulative Var 0.404 0.716
Test of the hypothesis that 2 factors are sufficient.
The chi square statistic is 0.39 on 4 degrees of freedom.
The p-value is 0.983
2.1 绘制载荷图
> plot(fit_fact$loadings[,1:2],xlim=c(-1,1),ylim=c(-1,1))
2.2 给出计算出的因子得分
> fit_fact$scores
Factor1 Factor2
[1,] 1.456299363 1.0136856371
[2,] 1.294187640 1.1863714081
[3,] 1.040371279 0.9072936583
[4,] 0.760641930 1.4625405421
[5,] 0.827222616 0.5413305244
[6,] 0.831219322 0.9320808701
[7,] -0.005786369 2.3518467881
[8,] 0.186394278 1.5203679004
[9,] 0.041747108 1.2985503449
[10,] 0.117807609 0.6172029447
2.3 计算因子总得分
> fit_fact$scores%*%c(0.404/0.716,0.311/0.716)
[1,] 1.262012815
[2,] 1.245549322
[3,] 0.981114978
[4,] 1.064454537
[5,] 0.701887891
[6,] 0.873868375
[7,] 1.018277455
[8,] 0.765555455
[9,] 0.587590767
[10,] 0.334559204